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4 Signs It’s Time Switch Lawn Care Companies in Memphis, TN

If you’re investing in professional lawn care but not getting the results that you desire, then you might be considering whether it’s time to switch lawn care companies in Memphis. After all, you are spending money to try and achieve the lawn that you desire. You likely feel like you deserve to be seeing success.

The truth is, no lawn care service is perfect. Even the best lawn care companies make mistakes at times. Though how they handle those mistakes is a big deal. And there are certainly some concerns that are bigger than others when it comes to switching lawn care companies.

We’ve rounded up a list of signs that it could be time to look for a new lawn care service so that you can start thinking about what makes the most sense for your property.

Don’t Jump Into Switching Lawn Care Companies

Before we get into those signs that it’s time to make a switch, we want to make an important point. The timing of when you are considering this switch should be considered. The fact is, we’re not writing this article to encourage people to “jump ship” and just switch to Master Lawn or another lawn care company in Memphis. The purpose of this article is to help you determine whether you have valid reasons for making that switch.

Here are two very important factors to consider first.

1. Have you given your current lawn care company ample time to achieve the results that you are seeking?

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Oftentimes, we find that homeowners expect lawn care results to happen faster than is truly possible. Lawn care is not an overnight process. If any company has led you to believe this, then perhaps being misled could be a reason to look for a new lawn care service.

But making a switch is still not going to give you overnight results. Lawn care really is a process and it takes time. But when you give it that time, you can start to see those amazing results.

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The last thing that we’d want is for someone reading this article to switch lawn care companies because they did not trust the process and wait it out. You’ll only be setting yourself up for more disappointment upon switching.

2. Have you given your current lawn care company an opportunity to remedy the problem?

Second, assuming that you aren’t considering switching lawn care companies because you had unrealistic expectations, but rather because you had a problem with the service provided, have you given your company a chance to solve that problem?

We really do believe that even the best companies make mistakes from time to time (as we mentioned in our introduction). But how they handle their mistakes is important. If they care about you and helping you to achieve the results you’re after, then they’ll do whatever they can to fix the issue.


When you switch companies without even addressing what went wrong, you really haven’t given the company a fair chance to resolve the issue.

That being said, we do know that plenty of lawn care companies never really fix the problems their customers present to them. Instead, they load you up with excuses or play the blame game. This only leads to more frustration and wasted time.

Assuming that you had realistic expectations about what your lawn care results would be like and/or you’ve talked to your lawn care company and still feel your problems are unaddressed, then you have a valid case.

Here are some specific signs that it is time to consider a switch.

1. The Communication has been Terrible

Communication with your lawn care company is important. But if your lawn care provider is never returning your calls or answering questions or concerns, then you are rightfully going to become frustrated.

Maybe you’ve been leaving messages or sending emails, and nobody ever gets back to you. These days everyone is busy but if you’ve given them ample time to respond or this is an ongoing pattern, then we think it’s a valid reason for switching lawn care companies.

When you are investing in lawn care services, you deserve to be able to get answers to your questions and to reach someone when you have a concern.

At Master Lawn, we take communication incredibly seriously. We understand that you’re not just hiring us to complete your lawn care but to solve your problems. That’s why we even encourage homeowners to reach out to their lawn care technician and text them photos if there are problems in-between visits.

2. The Customer Service has been Awful

The truth is, lawn care services aren’t just about the results. You also want to get a great experience. If your lawn looks decent but you feel like the company you’re working with is offering horrible customer service, you might still be thinking about switching lawn care companies.

We get it. Frankly, a lot of lawn care companies lack customer service skills. If they are a small company, they might be stretched too thin to help you properly. This means poor communication as we mentioned above, or maybe no communication at all. It might also feel like it comes in the form of rude or unprofessional lawn care technicians (or even folks helping you on the phone).

Maybe your lawn care technician shows up in a beat-up pick-up truck or is smoking on your property. Perhaps they’re rude in conversation to you, using bad language when you have your kids right there, or playing loud music.

Honestly, we’ve heard it all and it all definitely demonstrates a lack of customer service experience.

By no means are we out to say that everyone has to be perfect but we understand that you expect a level of professionalism and overall service when you are investing in professional lawn care. If you feel like you’re having ongoing issues with a lack of customer service and you’ve given the company a heads up about the problem (but have not seen a resolution), then by all means, it might be time for a new lawn care service.

3. There is a Lack of Trust

When you’re paying for a professional lawn care service, you also deserve to be able to trust that you’re going to get what you pay for. But if it feels as though the company never does what they say they’re going to do, that trust can quickly be lost.

Maybe they never show up when they say they will.

Or maybe you’ve made a highly specific request and they never follow through on it.

When you’re investing in professional lawn care, you have a certain set of expectations and you just might feel like they aren’t being met. Perhaps you feel like they’re not even listening to you. Maybe the company is so big that your communication constantly gets shuffled around. Or, because so many lawn care companies have a revolving door of employees with high turnover, maybe you never even have the same technician out to your property!

All of these are major sources of frustration and an erosion of the foundation of trust. If you feel like you’re getting a lot of excuses for why the company isn’t doing what it says it will, then it might be time for a new lawn care service.

4. You’ve Given it Plenty of Time and the Results are Still Subpar

Finally, not getting the results that you desire can be justification to switch lawn care companies, but that’s assuming you’ve given their program ample time to work. As we said early on, jumping ship too early because you were set up with unrealistic expectations (even if the company was the one to overpromise), isn’t going to necessarily mean that you’ll be happier. You still aren’t going to get instant results. However, it does make sense to choose a company that is going to set you up with realistic expectations in the first place.

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Honesty is incredibly important in lawn care and companies that overpromise end up hurting the industry as a whole. At Master Lawn, we take education to heart which is exactly why we write articles like this one. We believe that you deserve to be an informed consumer and to know what to expect out of your investment.

As far as poor results, if you’ve given the lawn care program ample time and your property is still riddled with weeds or maybe you have poor lawn color or tons of bare spots, then you might be starting to wonder if their program is truly effective. If you’ve talked to the lawn care company about this and they’ve beaten around the bush, then it might be time to switch to a company that uses higher-quality products and overall better practices.

There’s a misconception that all lawn care is created equal and this simply isn’t the case. Better products and practices do add up to better results.

When You Are Ready to Cancel and Hire a New Lawn Care Service

If these reasons are resonating with you and you have decided you want to go through with canceling, you might be looking for some advice. We have written an entire article on the process of canceling a lawn care service which should be helpful.

A key step in that process is making sure that you choose wisely when you hire a new lawn care service. This means truly taking the time to research your options so that you’re set up for success this time. After all, you want the time and effort that you invest in switching lawn care companies to be meaningful and you want to get your lawn back on track (making up for lost time).

At Master Lawn, we have many homeowners come to us who have been unhappy in the past. We care deeply about making things right. But in that process, we also won’t overpromise you anything that we can’t do. That’s a “hard sell” approach that too many lawn care companies take just to snatch up customers and as we’ve said, it does a disservice to us all.

In the end, we’re out to help solve your problems and get you the results you desire. When you trust the process, we can help get you to that point. And that’s important. After you’ve gone through so much trouble, we believe you deserve to be happy. That’s why we’re ready to make your lawn care wishes our command.

If you’re ready to choose a lawn care company that cares about giving you the best results and service, then we want to help. Talk to a lawn care expert, choose from 3 program options, and become the master of your lawn.

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Michael Hatcher

Michael Hatcher is Founder / Chairman of Michael Hatcher & Associates.

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