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How Much Does Lawn Care Cost? A Look at Prices in Memphis, TN and Olive Branch, MS

Having a thick and healthy lawn may be a top item on your wishlist. After all, your lawn is something that everyone sees—it’s not like you can hide it if it’s not looking great.

While you may be anxious to hire a lawn care company to grant those wishes, you also want to know how much does lawn care cost? As you start the process of finding a company, you’d like to have a good understanding of what you can expect to pay.

As a lawn care company that is upfront and honest, that doesn’t believe in hidden costs or dragging you along, we’ll tell you upfront the lawn care cost you can expect to pay.

beautiful lawn maintained with professional lawn care

Lawn care costs in Memphis TN and Olive Branch, MS areas typically start anywhere from $43 to $64 per visit, or between $246 and $608 annually.

At Master Lawn, our average customer is right around $55 per visit and $400 per year, making that number in the middle of what other companies in our region cost—and there are reasons for that which we’ll explain. We believe that you should not only know the answer to how much does lawn care cost in Memphis TN and Olive Branch MS? But that you should also know why lawn care costs what it does. And more importantly, why some companies cost more than others.

Contributing Factors to Lawn Care Prices

While a lot of people expect lawn care to cost the same from lawn care company to company, there are actually quite a few different factors that impact lawn care cost.

Since these factors can differ dramatically among lawn care services in Memphis, TN and Olive Branch, MS, so can the prices. In order to help you understand what you’re paying for, let’s walk through some of the key factors.

Level of Experience & Training

Paying technicians who perform the lawn care services is obviously a big factor in lawn care cost and it’s also a big differentiator.

Because a lot of lawn care companies employ technicians that don’t have a ton of experience, they also underpay them. If you find a low-priced service, it may be that their employees are underpaid. Unfortunately, that can lead to workers who aren’t very committed. They may even cut corners on the job. Oftentimes, companies like this have a “revolving door” of employees.

Lawn care services that invest in quality staff and keep employees ultimately benefits the customer. At Master Lawn, we have technicians who have up to 25 years of experience.


We also ensure that all of our technicians are licensed applicators—not just some like most companies. Some companies have one individual that is licensed and then just registers other technicians underneath them. That’s not good enough for Master Lawn.

That level of experience costs more but it also directly benefits the customer. For example, techs who are well-trained and highly experienced are much more likely to recognize a disease and immediately know what to treat it with. The customer reaps the benefit with better results.

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Lawn Care Products Utilized

Like any other product you might purchase, there are varying levels of quality. The types of lawn care products a company utilizes are directly reflected in the price you pay for lawn care services. That means when a company uses a higher quality product, you’ll likely pay a little more for their services.

Like technician experience, products can have a big impact on results. Simply put, higher quality products are going to work better. A lawn care company that costs less might be making up for charging less by using lower quality products.

Customer Support

Customer support (which equates to your customer experience) is one of those factors that a lot of people don’t think about—that is until they really need it.happy lawn care customers in their yardMaybe you’ve heard someone complain that they couldn’t reach their lawn care company when they needed to—nobody ever picks up the phone or answers questions. But a great lawn care company goes out of their way to make sure its customers are fully satisfied. They’re available to answer questions about anything from the services performed to the bill and beyond.

But this level of service simply cannot happen without a support staff and that’s something that directly impacts lawn care cost. After all, it costs money to pay the support staff and administrative team for their roles within the company. Oftentimes an inexpensive lawn care company is a bare bones one. They don’t have support staff to help you and if you’ve got a problem, it may take days or weeks to hear back.

For this reason, it may be worth paying a little bit more in order to ensure that you have the support you expect to receive.

Number of Lawn Care Visits (And What’s Included in Each)

The number of service visits performed within the lawn care program also directly impacts lawn care prices. Each visit could be made up of a varying number of applications.

Before agreeing to any services, make sure you know how many visits and specific applications the each visit on the program will include. You want to be able to feel confident that your lawn care company is including just the right number of actual treatments (no more to rip you off and no less to shortchange you).

Knowing what’s included is important. Otherwise, you may fall victim to a common marketing scheme in the lawn care industry which is to underprice services just to hook you. This occurs when lawn care companies give you their rock bottom price knowing that it doesn’t actually include everything you really need. In the end, you may wind up paying just as much with all of the “add-on services” and upcharges you have to tack on than you would have with another company that offered everything you needed from the start.


At Master Lawn, we have found that the sweet spot is 7 to 10 visits, which allows us to get all important services completed. This also helps people to choose the program that is best for them both based on their own needs as well as what Master Lawn feels will help their lawn the most. When applicable, we are able to combine certain applications in order to pass savings along to the customer. It is never our goal to upcharge for services that we can offer at a more affordable price when possible.

Be Careful Not to Shop by Lawn Care Prices Alone

Now that you have a better sense of why lawn care costs what it does, you can probably see why “shopping by price” is a dangerous approach. If you just choose the lawn care company that is the cheapest, you’re probably going to end up with subpar results.

It’s simply not worth the risk.

Instead, by choosing wisely, you can feel confident that you’ll get the results you desire at a price that includes everything you need. Plus, you won’t find yourself wishing at a later date that you’d made better choices. When you look out at your lush green lawn, you’ll be completely content knowing that your wishes have become a reality.

Wishing for the best lawn care service at a fair price? Talk to a lawn care expert, choose from 3 program options, and become the master of your lawn.

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Michael Hatcher

Michael Hatcher is Founder / Chairman of Michael Hatcher & Associates.

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