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How Long Will It Take to See Professional Lawn Care Results?

If you’re thinking about hiring a professional to perform your lawn services, you might be wondering, how long does it take to see lawn care results? You want to have a realistic idea of how long it’s going to take so that you can know when (and what) you can expect from your investment.

We value your desire to be an informed consumer.

In fact, we often get questions about how long to expect to see results for the various services that we offer. While every lawn is different (and there are factors that may change these responses), there are some general guidelines that we can offer.

We’ve put together some of the most common questions we receive in regard to when to expect lawn care results.

We’ll give you the quick answer in case you’re just scanning this article for a quick response. But we’ll also explain some of the factors that go into the timing and what can impact it (as well as other advice that might be helpful).

How Long Does it Take for Grass to Turn Green After Fertilizing?

Answer: Around 2 weeks

Typically it takes around 2 weeks for grass to turn green after fertilization. Factors that can impact the timing of the results include soil health and the weather.

Another common question that we receive around fertilization has to do with when to water a lawn after fertilizing. We typically say to wait 24 hours before watering the lawn. But it is important that your lawn receives a good watering session soon after that 24 hour wait period.

landscape professional fertilizing lawn using granular fertilizer

Homeowners also commonly ask us how many times to fertilize a lawn.

Ongoing fertilization begins in the early spring and goes throughout the season. It’s important not to get too caught up on the number of fertilization visits as it’s all relative. You could deliver a lot of nutrients in a handful of visits or have them spread out over a longer period of time. It has more to do with the rate of application and the products being used.

How Long Does it Take to See Results from Aeration and Overseeding?

Answer: 2 to 3 weeks

Another common question we receive in regard to when to expect lawn care results is how long it will take to see any results from aeration and overseeding. Most homeowners will begin to see germination occurring in 2 to 3 weeks following the service. That’s typically when you’ll notice it (though there’s growing happening before that, of course).

lawn aeration with walk behind aerator

Soil temperatures and weather can have an impact on that time period.

It’s important that during the waiting period, you are keeping the seeds moist.

When Will Weeds Die?

Answer: Depends upon the time of year and the weed type

In terms of when to expect lawn care results, homeowners also often ask about how long weed control will take.

There is no simple answer to this one as it really does depend upon the time of the year, what the conditions are, and what types of weeds you’re dealing with. Weeds are more quickly controlled when growing conditions are at their best. If the weather gets really hot, very cold, or extremely dry, the results can be slowed down.

Generally speaking, we tell customers that if they do not see weeds starting to yellow and die within 2 weeks to give us a call and make sure they are properly taken care of.

It’s important to stay on top of weed control as there are many stubborn and tough-to-control weeds in our region. Some of the tougher weeds may also require repeated spraying until they’re finally knocked back.

In general, it does take a decent amount of time to really start to transform a weedy lawn. While you want to know when weeds will die, you should also recognize that many varieties will keep trying to come back. It can take 3 to 4 visits until you start seeing any drastic changes, so you do need to be patient.

Choosing a Lawn Service in Memphis, TN

While you might want to know when to expect lawn care results, chances are, you don’t want to be worrying about every nuance of your lawn. That’s why you’re hiring a pro!

Your wise choice in lawn care companies in Memphis, TN will make a big difference in the results that you see. While many people assume that all lawn care companies are created equally, that’s not the case. Some are using better-quality products and more highly trained professionals than others. That also has an impact on when to expect lawn care results.

If a lush green lawn is important to you, then you want to make sure that you choose a company that’s up to the job. By letting an experienced professional take over your lawn care services, you’ll soon be able to enjoy your lawn to the fullest.

Are you ready to let a professional handle your lawn care services? Talk to a lawn care expert, choose from 3 program options, and become the master of your lawn.

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Michael Hatcher

Michael Hatcher is Founder / Chairman of Michael Hatcher & Associates.

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