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Beauty Lawn Spray vs. Master Lawn: Comparing 2 Lawn Care Options for Memphis, TN & Northern MS

When it comes to ensuring that you have a lush and green lawn, your choice in lawn care companies can make a world of difference. While there’s an inclination to assume that all lawn care companies are the same, the truth is, there can be some drastic variations from one company to the next—and those differences can impact your results.

We understand that if you’re investing in lawn care, you want to get the best possible results and that means hiring the best lawn care company in Memphis, TN or Northern MS

There are undoubtedly a lot of choices out there and you may be compiling a list of names. Beauty Lawn Spray is a name that you may have come across and are comparing against Master Lawn.

To simplify the process for you, we’re looking at these two companies head-to-head, so that you can start to narrow your options.

Who is Beauty Lawn Spray?

Beauty Lawn in Memphis has been servicing the mid-south for nearly 50 years and works with more than 6,000 customers, according to their website. They have a similar service area to Master Lawn.

Let’s look at a few ways in which Beauty Lawn Spray compares to Master Lawn.

Service Comparison

At a glance, the service offerings are similar. According to their website, Beauty Lawn Spray offers lawn care, shrub care, surface insect control, grub control, fungicide, and seeding and aeration.

However, one big difference is that Beauty Lawn appears to just offer one lawn care program. At Master Lawn, we offer 3 different lawn care programs at 3 different price points so that you can choose what best suits your specific needs.

Master Lawn Lawn Care Programs

Among those options is our Platinum program, a hybrid approach program that uses organic, bio-nutritional probiotic soil additives to reduce the need for pesticides, plus includes core aeration. As far as we can tell, there is no program like this for Beauty Lawn Spray.

Another big difference is the fact that Master Lawn has a parent company, Michael Hatcher & Associates, which allows us to perform services outside of the scope of a lawn care company. 

Michael Hatcher & Associates acquired Master Lawn in 2018 in order to be able to offer their clients better lawn care services. In turn, it has also allowed Master Lawn to be able to offer their clients better landscape services as well. 

This is a big value-add as these services often go hand-in-hand.

technician trimming shrub

Say, for instance, that you have an area of grass that isn’t getting good results and it turns out it’s because you have too much shade. We can also offer you landscape solutions such as tree trimming or even transforming those shaded areas into plant beds or extending tree mulch rings. 

But if you were working with a company like Beauty Lawn Spray, that only offers lawn care, you’d need to find a landscape company to work with, too.

Comparing Online Reviews

As you perform your research and compare companies, you should always take time to look at online reviews. This will help give you a sense of what other customers (both past and current) have to say about the company.

As you look at online reviews, consider not only the number of stars that a company was given (on a 5-point scale) but also how many people have reviewed the company. 

It is more difficult to maintain a high rating with so many people reviewing you. 

Therefore, it’s ideal to find a company that has both a high rating (at least 4.5) and a lot of reviewers.

Beauty Lawn Spray Google Reviews

  • 4.3 stars based on 29 reviews

Master Lawn Google Reviews

Making a Wise Decision for Lawn Care Services

Though we know that it can be time-consuming, we commend you for putting in the time to compare lawn care companies side-by-side. Your hard work will pay off by allowing you to feel confident that you’ve chosen wisely and have the best possible lawn care results.

Master Lawn lawn care technician spraying yard

Of course, we are available to be your guide should you have any questions during the process. Even if you don’t choose Master Lawn, we want you to be happy with your final decision. 

After all, you’ve put a lot of time and effort into researching your decision and you deserve to end up with a lawn care company that is going to be able to fully meet all of your needs. 

The last thing that you want is to end up back at the drawing board, having to choose a new lawn care service again. In the end, you deserve the best lawn care company and get the best results and with a great customer experience.

Ready to learn why Master Lawn could be your choice for the best lawn care company in Memphis? Talk to a lawn care expert, choose from 3 program options, and become the master of your lawn.

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Michael Hatcher

Michael Hatcher is Founder / Chairman of Michael Hatcher & Associates.

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