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4 Steps to Prevent Problems with Your Trees and Shrubs

The trees and shrubs on your Memphis, TN property are important to you. The last thing that you want is to watch them succumb to major problems. Unfortunately, there are a lot of different tree and shrub problems that can wreak havoc.

The good news is there are some steps you can take to protect your trees and shrubs from various problems.

Here are some steps that we recommend you take.

Step 1: Water your Trees and Shrubs Properly

People often don’t realize how much their own actions can contribute to tree and shrub problems. One common issue is watering incorrectly. Like all living things, your trees and shrubs need water to survive and perform their best. But over- or under-watering can lead to problems.

house with healthy shrubs and trees and green grass

Another common watering mistake is watering the foliage. It’s actually the roots of your trees and shrubs that need water. Getting water on the foliage can actually lead to diseases of trees and shrubs.

Step 2: Fertilize Your Trees and Shrubs

Tree fertilizer will provide your trees and shrubs with essential nutrients that they need to perform their best.

house with healthy trees and shrubs

By helping make those nutrients available, you can make your trees and shrubs more naturally resistant to problems like insects, diseases, and even environmental stressors (like drought or temperature). This will help your trees and shrubs guard against future problems.

The key is to start fertilizing them before there’s a problem.

Step 3: Invest in Insect Control for Trees and Shrubs

There are a number of shrub and tree pests in Memphis, TN that need to be on your radar. Our warm climate makes an ideal habitat for pests, many of which never go dormant in our region.

plant health care team sprays shrubs

If you want to learn more about the specifics of shrub and tree pests in our area, read the article linked above. But just to give you an idea of some of the insects that could be attacking your trees and shrubs, here’s a quick list.

  • Aphids
  • Leaf Miners
  • Mealybugs
  • Spider Mites
  • Scale
  • Bagworms
  • Lace Bugs
  • Japanese Beetles
  • White Flies

You’ll need pest control for trees and shrubs to protect your beloved plants. But considering the fact that there are so many shrub and tree pests in Tennessee and Mississippi, and many have their own method of treatment, it is best to leave this in the hands of a professional who will know exactly what you’re dealing with as well as how to best treat it.

4. Protect Against Diseases of Trees and Shrubs

Leaf spot, which is a common descriptive term applied to a number of diseases that affect the foliage of trees and shrubs, is a common problem in our area. Leaf spots diseases weaken the plant by interrupting the photosynthesis process, which will eventually lead to leaf loss.

Leaf spot disease 2

Some leaf spot diseases are more serious than others. While some can be purely cosmetic in nature, other diseases could lead to more serious health problems.

Blight is another common group of tree diseases that can harm the health of your trees and shrubs. Tree blight can be detrimental to a tree’s health and can even lead to death if left unchecked.

Investing in Plant Health Care to Protect Your Trees and Shrubs

Your best bet to protect your trees and shrubs from a variety of problems is investing in Plant Health Care. In fact, a Plant Health Care program will include fertilization along with disease and pest control for trees and shrubs.

The treatments combine fertilization, pest control, and disease control. You might also think of Plant Health Care as a way to help protect your investment in your landscape since it will reduce the risk of your plants succumbing to diseases and pests.

Of course, it’s not a fix-all solution and there are some issues that simply can’t be remedied. Because of this, it’s important to have a professional out to your property to perform a thorough assessment and provide you with a proper diagnosis and solution, even if that solution means replacing the plant.

If your plants do fall victim to pests, disease, or environmental stressors, it could cost you way more (money, time, aggravation, reputation, and ultimately, peace of mind) than it would have to invest in Plant Health Care in the first place. This is why many of our customers see it as a wise addition to their lawn care program. After all, your landscape is a very important part of your property and you want to do everything you can to protect it.

Want to invest in protecting your landscape? Request a quote, get your customized plan, and become the master of your landscape.

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Image Source: leaf spot

Michael Hatcher

Michael Hatcher is Founder / Chairman of Michael Hatcher & Associates.

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